This year Latvian State Security Service (VDD) is also paying increased attention to activities related to 9 May, assessing whether they pose risks to Latvia's national security.
In this context, VDD closely cooperates with the State Police. Both VDD and the State Police will closely monitor the security situation in Latvia also on 9 May.
The activities that have currently come to the attention of VDD are not associated with significant risks to the security of Latvia. At the same time, VDD assesses that similar to previous years there is a risk that on 9 May certain pro-Kremlin oriented persons may carry out demonstrative, provocative or illegal activities in support of the interests of the aggressor state Russia.
If such activities are encountered, VDD invites to refrain from reacting and to inform the responsible services. Persons who hold information about provocative or illegal activities planned for 9 May are invited to inform VDD by phone 67208964 (24/7) or by sending e-mail to dd(abols)vdd.gov.lv. Upon witnessing such activities on 9 May, residents are encouraged to immediately inform the State Police by calling 110.
VDD notes that according to the law adopted on 20 April this year "On the ban to organize certain public events on 9 May", on 9 May in Latvia it is prohibited to organize such public entertainment and festive events, meetings, processions and pickets that are aimed at undermining and threatening the values of Latvia as democratic and national country, including division of society, glorification of war, military aggression, totalitarianism or violence, as well as false representation of historical events.
VDD also reminds that public acquittal and glorification of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes against peace and war crimes (Section 741 of the Criminal Law), as well as activities aimed at triggering national or ethnic hatred or enmity (Section 78 of the Criminal Law) are subject to criminal liability.
Information prepared by VDD