Ensuring free and fair elections is among the priorities of VDD. In view of the upcoming extraordinary elections to the Riga City Council VDD encourages public to inform competent authorities about unlawful or suspicious activities in relation to the elections.
Ensuring free and fair elections is among the priorities of VDD. In view of the upcoming extraordinary elections to the Riga City Council VDD encourages public to inform competent authorities about unlawful or suspicious activities in relation to the elections.
Already during the pre-election period VDD is conducting measures to identify and prevent the risks towards the course of free and fair elections to the Riga City Council. The remit of VDD as civilian counterintelligence and internal security service comprises identification and prevention of internal threats as well as risks emanating from foreign countries.
Currently VDD does not hold information on direct and systematic attempts of foreign countries to influence the course of the extraordinary elections to the Riga City Council, nor does VDD hold any information on the so-called vote buying cases or preparation to such activities.
VDD recalls that knowingly committing hindrance of exercising the right to freely elect the deputies or to be elected is subject to criminal liability. The activity is considered unlawful if the hindrance of exercising the right to freely elect has taken place by the use of violence, fraud, threats, payoffs or other unlawful means. The Criminal Law also foresees criminal liability for knowingly miscounting votes or violating the right of secret ballot, where committed by a public official or a member of the Election Committee.
VDD calls on public to report cases where one has been offered financial remuneration, other material or non-material benefits or the free choice has been influenced otherwise in order to vote for a particular political party or candidate. VDD calls to report cases where there are suspicions on breaches in the polling stations, e.g., knowingly miscounting the votes in favour of a political party or candidate. These cases can be reported to VDD 24/7 over the phone +371 67208964 or by email dd(abols)vdd.gov.lv.
VDD calls the witnesses of a possible breach to record to the possible extent precise details of the breach, registering it by photo, video or audio means where possible. VDD guarantees the source confidentiality.
The pre-election campaigning and placement of agitation materials will be monitored by the State Police and Riga Municipal Police. Therefore should you acquire information about leaflets being distributed on the election day, pre-election campaign posters not timely removed or campaigning next to the polling stations, please report to the State Police (phone 110) or Riga Municipal Police. VDD recalls that campaigning is forbidden on the election day as well as on the day prior to it. In case you hold information about the violations of pre-election campaigning and covert pre-election campaigning financing restrictions, please report to Corruption Prevention and Combatting Bureau (KNAB) by calling +371 67356161 or via the mobile application "Ziņo KNAB".
Should you acquire information on possible breaches of the pre-election campaigning in media outlets, e.g., covert pre-election campaigning, please report to National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP) by calling +371 67221848 or by email neplpadome(abols)neplpadome.lv.
Information prepared by VDD