Timely detection and prevention of terrorism threats is another important field of Latvian State Security Service’s (VDD) activities. VDD conducts counterintelligence and operational activities in order to obtain pre-emptive information on the planned terrorist actions to prevent them in due time. VDD closely cooperates with foreign partner services in order to identify terrorism threats and neutralize them.
Along with the operational activities, assessment of terrorist threats and implementation of preventive measures in the field of counterterrorism, VDD also coordinates the activities of state and municipal institutions as well as legal entities which are involved in counterterrorism.
The preventive measures include the control of the immigrants coming from increased terrorism risk countries to Latvia, regular inspections of objects of critical infrastructure and soft targets, the preparation of recommendations to improve the physical security of these objects as well as the briefings of their employees.
VDD has developed the National Counterterrorism Plan as well as response plans in case of an attack against civil aviation, maritime traffic and its infrastructure as well as objects on land. Based on National Counterterrorism Plan and response plans, institutions involved in the implementation of counterterrorism measures have developed their own sub-plans, which are approved by VDD.
In order to test the preparedness of institutions to react in terrorism threat situations, VDD organises different counterterrorism exercises on a regular basis. Those are table - top as well as field exercises and simulation of hostage taking.
VDD is also the national point of contact (hereinafter – PoC), whom to inform in case of suspicious deals with precursors, their loss of or thefts. The establishment of PoC has been established in all EU member states according to the EU regulatory acts, which are aimed at limiting and preventing the possibilities to organize a terrorist attack.
Last but not least, Passenger Name Record (hereinafter - PNR) has been established within VDD. It is an information system, which stores the information received from airlines, the holders of reservations and departure control systems. The aim of PNR is to ensure data processing of passenger data, which is necessary to analyze crimes related to terrorism, preventing/revealing serious crimes and preventing threat to national security.
Terrorism threat levels:
VDD has developed terrorism threat level system. This system foresees four terrorism threat levels:
low (blue) – there is general threat of terrorism (everyday situation);
elevated (yellow) – there is an increasing threat of terrorism;
high (orange) – there is confirmed terrorism threat to a particular object, economic sector or state region;
severe (red) - terrorist attack has occurred or is imminent.
Terrorism threat level can be introduced to the whole territory of the state, the particular threatened region, economic sector or object.
Terrorism threat level is introduced by the Minister of Interior based on the recommendation of Director General of VDD.