Latvian Security and Intelligence Services – Latvian State Security Service (VDD), Constitution Protection Bureau (SAB) and Defence Intelligence and Security Service (MIDD) – have prepared general recommendations for state and municipality institutions as well as owners and legal possessors of the critical infrastructure, that should be taken into account when planning and ensuring the security of information systems that are significant for the functioning of the infrastructure.
Law on the Security of Information Technologies, Law on State Information Systems and Cabinet Regulation "Procedures for the Ensuring Conformity of Information and Communication Technologies Systems to Minimum Security Requirements" stipulate that the state and municipality institutions in their activities use information and communication technologies that correspond to the requirements set in the regulatory acts as well as take into account the recommendations of Latvian Security and Intelligence Services regarding the information and communication technologies and the necessary security measures.
Latvian Security and Intelligence Services recommend to plan the information system security measures according to the risk analysis of the information systems, which is developed by taking into account global and local threats in the information technology field. By planning procurement procedures it is advisable to take into consideration the country of the registration and the real beneficiary of the producer and developer of the information technology product or service as well as their compliance with international standards.
When evaluating procurements of information technology products or services significant for functioning of the infrastructure, Latvian Security and Intelligence Services recommend avoiding the use of products and services that are produced or located in countries that have an offensive cyber-program towards NATO, the European Union and their member states.
A more detailed description of the recommendations can be found in the homepages of VDD and SAB.
In case of additional enquiries, state and municipality institutions as well as owners and legal possessors of the critical infrastructure can forward their questions to the e-mail address: rekomendacijas@vdd.gov.lv.
Information prepared by Latvian State Security and Intelligence Services
Illustrative photo, VDD