VDD detains four Latvian citizens suspected of activities on behalf of Russian intelligence and security service

VDD has detained four citizens of the Republic of Latvia on suspicion of activities carried out on behalf of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), which are directed against the security of Latvia and its residents.

The criminal case against the persons was initiated on 1 August this year pursuant to Section 811 of the Criminal Law, namely for providing assistance to a foreign country in an action directed against the Republic of Latvia.

During the investigation, VDD has carried out criminal proceedings on fourteen sites related to these individuals in Riga and elsewhere in Latvia. Numerous data carriers and documents have been seized for an in-depth investigation. On sites related to these individuals, VDD found devices that might be strategic goods and could be used for illegal operational activities.

The information obtained by VDD within the investigation suggests that the persons on behalf of FSB carried out actions aimed at the freedom of action, inviolability, economic, social and physical security of other individuals. In the interests of the investigation, VDD currently refrains from further comments.

Within the criminal case three suspects have been applied a security measure – detention, while the fourth suspect is facing non-custodial security measures, namely a prohibition on leaving the country and notification of the change of the place of residence.

VDD will provide additional information regarding the investigation process according to the progress of the criminal case.

Information prepared by VDD
Illustrative photo, VDD