In light of the announced mobilisation in Russia, Latvian State Security Service (VDD) invites all Russian citizens who reside in Latvia to immediately inform VDD in case they receive a mobilisation notice from Russia.
According to Putin’s public statements, it is planned to engage Russia’s armed forces’ reservists and all former conscripts of Russian army in Russia’s aggressive war in Ukraine. Russia is mobilising reinforcements to continue committing crimes against humanity and peace and war crimes that are aimed against Ukraine’s national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
VDD stresses that in accordance with Section 771 and 951 of the Criminal Law of Latvia, the citizens of Latvia (including dual citizenship holders), non-citizens and foreigners holding permanent residence permits of the Republic of Latvia, are subject to criminal liability should they serve in Russia’s armed forces and participate in the war against Ukraine and its population. Pursuant to Section 24 Paragraph One of the Citizenship Law, dual citizenship holders can be subject to revoking of Latvian citizenship for committing the aforementioned crimes.
You can provide the information about the received mobilisation notices via email dd(abols)vdd.gov.lv or over phone +371 6720 8964 (available 24/7). VDD guarantees the confidentiality of the source.
VDD is the counterintelligence and internal security service of Latvia whose activities are aimed at identifying and preventing possible threats to Latvia’s national security. VDD’s main competences are counterintelligence, protection of state secrets, protection of constitutional order, economic security, counterterrorism, protection of dignitaries and pre-trial investigation.
Information prepared by VDD
Illustrative photo, VDD