On 29 March 2019 VDD decided to propose to launch criminal prosecution against Latvian citizen pursuant to Article 85 Section two of the Criminal Law (illegal collecting of an official secret or transferring thereof to a foreign state or foreign organization, either directly or with the intermediation of another person).
It was also decided to propose to launch criminal prosecution against the same person pursuant to Article 166 Section two (committing visiting or demonstration of such pornographic performance or handling of such materials of pornographic nature which contain child pornography, sexual activities of people with animals, necrophilia or sexual gratification in a violent way), Article 233 Section two (committing manufacturing, repair, acquiring, storing, carrying, transporting, forwarding or disposal of firearms, essential components of a firearm, firearm ammunition, high-powered pneumatic weapons, explosives or explosive devices, without a relevant license) and Article 2371 Section two of the Criminal Law (committing the violation of the prohibition of the circulation of equipment, devices or instruments or the components or software thereof specially created or adapted for investigatory operational measures or for disturbance thereof).
The information obtained during the criminal proceedings leads to conclude that the Latvian citizen had been protractedly and purposefully gathering various information, including classified information, for material rewards following the task of the Russian intelligence service. The information was then passed to the Russian intelligence service during several meetings which took place in Russia. VDD assesses that the information transferred by the Latvian citizen was of value to the Russian intelligence service and caused serious harm to the national security interests of Latvia.
During the investigation VDD performed two sanctioned searches in objects related to the Latvian citizen. During the searches several data mediums with more than 13000 files were seized. During the searches other items were discovered, including two self-made fire arms, various ammunition and explosives that the person was not certified to purchase or store. During the searches VDD established equipment intentionally created or adapted to perform investigatory operational measures that natural persons are not entitled to purchase, store or use.
Having assessed the information obtained within the criminal proceedings, VDD decided to refer the criminal case to the Prosecution Office.
VDD notes that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty according to the law.
Information prepared by VDD
Illustrative photo, VDD