VDD asks to prosecute for violation of the EU sanctions

VDD has called the Prosecutor's office to initiate criminal prosecution against one person for committing a criminal offense for which criminal liability is provided pursuant to Section 84 of the Criminal Law, namely for violating the sanctions imposed by the European Union (EU).

VDD initiated the criminal case against this person on 28 September 2022 and during the investigation information was obtained that the person violated the EU sanctions regarding the import of iron and steel products into the EU. Namely, the person violated EU Council Regulation no. 765/2006 Article 1q of the ban on importing EU iron and steel products if they originate in Belarus or if they are exported from Belarus.

Along with the initiation of the criminal case against the mentioned person, VDD had also started the process of applying coercive measures to the company represented by the mentioned person.

By sending the materials of the criminal case to the Prosecutor's office for the initiation of prosecution against the mentioned person, VDD urged the Prosecutor's office to continue the process of applying coercive measures against the company represented by this person.

VDD recalls that no person should be considered guilty until their guilt is proven in accordance with law.

Information prepared by VDD
Illustrative photo, VDD