National Counterterrorism Plan adopted

On 10 December 2019 the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the National Counterterrorism Plan, which was elaborated by VDD.

The National Counterterrorism Plan is a classified document which sets the preventative measures to be implemented by the institutions in charge of terrorism threat prevention according to the four terrorism threat levels.

The current Plan takes into account the latest terrorism threat trends in Europe, focusing on enforcing the security of mass gathering sites and prevention of risks related to technology development. The Plan sets preventative measures related to such current security risks like unmanned aerial vehicles and threats to the security of information and communication technologies.

The National Counterterrorism Plan sets significantly improved preventative measures that should be conducted by respective institutions in case of severe terrorism threat level, i.e., when the terrorist attack has occurred or is imminent. The current Plan also focuses on protection of critical infrastructure objects, efficient exchange of information and ensuring swift reaction capacity of institutions engaged in counterterrorism measures.

VDD recalls that the Latvian national counterterrorism system foresees four terrorism threat levels (low, elevated, high and severe). The higher the current terrorism threat level, the more complex and extensive the required preventative counterterrorism measures.

VDD together with the institutions engaged in the implementation of counterterrorism measures reviews the National Counterterrorism Plan at least once in a three year period. The initial Plan was adopted in 2008 and reviewed in 2011, 2013 and 2016.

Information was prepared by VDD
Illustrative photo, VDD