Counterterrorism exercise organized by VDD will take place in Jelgava

The counterterrorism exercise "Mītava 2023" organized by VDD will take place in Jelgava today, where representatives of operational services and other institutions will test their readiness to act in the event of a terrorist attack.

Already for several years VDD pays particular attention to testing and improving the response and cooperation capabilities of regional structural units of operational services in the event of terrorism threats. This time Jelgava has been selected as the exercise venue.

Taking into consideration that terrorists often choose places of mass gathering as targets for attacks in Europe, the training scenario involves playing out the actions of the institutions involved in counterterrorism measures, when terrorist attacks take place in such place.

Representatives from VDD, State Police, Emergency Medical Service, State Fire and Rescue Service, General Prosecutor's Office, Zemgale Judicial District Prosecutor's Office, Jelgava Municipal Police, State Border Guard and National Armed Forces will participate in the exercise.

As part of the exercise, the representatives of the responsible services will test the readiness to implement the measures specified in the plans developed by VDD – the National Counterterrorism Plan and the counterterrorism plan "Crowd". In the exercise, the services will act out rescue operations, providing emergency medical aid, arresting terrorists and preventing the threat they pose, as well as implement measures to eliminate the consequences of attacks and carry out investigative activities in the event of a terrorist attack.

VDD has been organizing full-scale counterterrorism exercises since 2007, and this will be the 12th exercise of this scale.

VDD draws the attention of Jelgava’s residents that in connection with the course of exercise on September 21 in Jelgava, occasionally there will be increased movement of operational services’ vehicles, and calls to treat it with understanding. No significant traffic restrictions are planned in Jelgava during the exercise period.

VDD is the institution responsible for the field of counterterrorism in Latvia, which coordinates the activities of state and local government institutions, as well as other institutions involved in counterterrorism prevention or response measures in the field of counterterrorism.

Information prepared by VDD
Illustrative photo, VDD